
品牌: 蓝晨机械
品牌: 蓝晨
型号: LC-KADY系列
单价: 200000.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 20 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 河北 廊坊市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-10-20 12:31
浏览次数: 744
品牌 蓝晨
型号 LC-KADY系列











▲视不同工况,清洗泵有立式多级泵、单螺杆 泵、离心泵供选择。

Equipment performance characteristics

▲The machine is used in fruit and vegetable pressing with high

    juicing rate;

▲Widely used in VC project, engineering, and brewing of alcohol, starch, feed and others semi-finished products of solid-liquid separation mining,  but can also used in industrial wastewater treatment,water desalination mustard and other working conditions;

▲All stainless steel, in line with food hygiene standards;

▲Accessory devices are used mainly foreign brand-name products, stable and reliable;

▲Continuous automatic working,airbag control up with,correction, pressure, frequency control;

▲Fully automatic CIP cleaning system automatically,without manual operation, convenient;

▲Control system with touch screen operation, intuitive interface, simple and efficient;

▲Energy, clean water from the arc network with filters,recycling;

▲Depending on operating conditions, cleaning pump with vertical multi-stage pump,single screw,centrifugal pumps are available.

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水处理设备 蓝晨水处理设备 净水设备 饮用水处理设备 价格优惠 欢迎咨询 供应蓝晨LC-XD易拉罐饮料机械罐装机 供应蓝晨饮料机械LC-KAPSD系列破碎机 供应蓝晨饮料机械LC-LZ系列螺旋榨汁机 供应蓝晨饮料机械LC-KADY带式压榨机