商业洗地机 智能机器人吸尘器厂家 全自动机器人扫地机 晋

品牌: 伽利略Galileo
产地: 上海
额定电压: 220V
单价: 1188.00元/台
起订: 88 台
供货总量: 88 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-11 15:39
浏览次数: 789
产地 上海
额定电压 220V
附加功能 手机遥控
高度 8CM-10CM
功能 拖扫吸式
适用面积 120-150平米
品牌 Galileo伽利略
型号 FR-S01
吸尘器款式 卧式
外观造型 扫地机器人
清扫路线 规划式
碰撞保护 机械+电子双层保护


 FragmentWelcome to consult...t over one another, or producing them at distances from
himself apparently outrageous to nature, or lying sideways with
his hair among the wine-glasses, or developing his restlessness of
limb in some other form incompatible with the general interests of
society; and by Master Micawber’s receiving those discoveries in a
resentful spirit. I sat all the while, amazed by Mr. Micawber’s
disclosure, and wondering what it meant; until Mrs. Micawber
resumed the thread of the discourse, and claimed my attention.

‘What I particularly request Mr. Micawber to be careful of, is,’
said Mrs. Micawber, ‘that he does not, my dear Mr. Copperfield, in
applying himself to this subordinate branch of the law, place it out
of his power to rise, ultimately, to the top of the tree. I am
convinced that Mr. Micawber, giving his mind to a profession so
adapted to his fertile resources, and his flow of language, must
distinguish himself. Now, for example, Mr. Traddles,’ said Mrs.
Micawber, assuming a profound air, ‘a judge, or even say a
Chancellor. Does an individual place himself beyond the pale of
those preferments by entering on such an office as Mr. Micawber
has accepted?’

‘My dear,’ observed Mr. Micawber—but glancing inquisitively

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

at Traddles, too; ‘we have time enough before us, for the
consideration of those questions.’

‘Micawber,’ she returned, ‘no! Your mistake in life is, that you
do not look forward far enough. You are bound, in justice to your
family, if not to yourself, to take in at a comprehensive glance the
extremest point in the horizon to which your abilities may lead

Mr. Micawber coughed, and drank his punch with an air of
exceeding satisfaction—still glancing at Traddles, as if he desired
to have his opinion.

‘Why, the plain state of the case, Mrs. Micawber,’ said Traddles,
mildly breaking the truth to her. ‘I mean the real prosaic fact, you

‘Just so,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘my dear Mr. Traddles, I wish to
be as prosaic and literal as possible on a subject of so much

‘—Is,’ said Traddles, ‘that this branch of the law, even if Mr.
Micawber were a regular solicitor—’

‘Exactly so,’ returned Mrs. Micawber. (‘Wilkins, you are
squinting, and will not be able to get your eyes back.’)

‘—Has nothing,’ pursued Traddles, ‘to do with that. only a
barrister is eligible for such preferments; and Mr. Micawber could
not be a barrister, without being entered at an inn of court as a
student, for five years.’

‘Do I follow you?’ said Mrs. Micawber, with her most affable air
of business. ‘Do I understand, my dear Mr. Traddles, that, at the
expiration of that period, Mr. Micawber would be eligible as a
Judge or Chancellor?’

‘He would be eligible,’ returned Traddles, with a strong

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

emphasis on that word.

‘Thank you,’ said Mrs. Micawber. ‘That is quite sufficient. If
such is the case, and Mr. Micawber forfeits no privilege by
entering on these duties, my anxiety is set at rest. I speak,’ said
Mrs. Micawber, ‘as a female, necessarily; but I have always been of
opinion that Mr. Micawber possesses wh
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